Let's Talk Equalities

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This consultation has now ended. The results of this project are now being analysed, and we will add links to reports and further information when they are available.

Rhondda Cynon Taf Council recognises and supports the principle that everyone has the right to live free from harassment, unfair treatment and discrimination, regardless of who they are or any personal circumstance. We believe we have a duty to tackle discrimination and disadvantage so that people feel safe from harassment, and everyone has accessible and high quality services.

To help us do this, we are preparing a new Strategic Equality Plan. This will explain what the Council is doing to promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), an essential element of our work. It will also set out how we will meet the legal obligations of the Equality Act 2010.

You can view our Draft Strategic Equality Plan here, or by clicking the link on the side of this page. Within this plan you will find our Equality Objectives, our reasons for committing to them and what we intend to do to meet them. They are:

Objective 1: We will embed equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into every aspect of our service delivery

Objective 2: We will attract applicants that represent the diversity of our communities, enriching our organisational capability to meet our ambitions

Objective 3: We will respect, value and listen to all our employees by embedding a culture of inclusion

To help develop our Equality Objectives we’ve already spoken to many of our staff and managers on what we can do better. We now want to hear your feedback on the Strategic Equality Plan and our Equality Objectives. Please share your thoughts with us by filling out the short survey at the bottom of this page and by posting your ideas on the interactive Ideas board. We value the input and thoughts of the people who live and work within RCT!

Click here for Cymraeg

This consultation has now ended. The results of this project are now being analysed, and we will add links to reports and further information when they are available.

Rhondda Cynon Taf Council recognises and supports the principle that everyone has the right to live free from harassment, unfair treatment and discrimination, regardless of who they are or any personal circumstance. We believe we have a duty to tackle discrimination and disadvantage so that people feel safe from harassment, and everyone has accessible and high quality services.

To help us do this, we are preparing a new Strategic Equality Plan. This will explain what the Council is doing to promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), an essential element of our work. It will also set out how we will meet the legal obligations of the Equality Act 2010.

You can view our Draft Strategic Equality Plan here, or by clicking the link on the side of this page. Within this plan you will find our Equality Objectives, our reasons for committing to them and what we intend to do to meet them. They are:

Objective 1: We will embed equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into every aspect of our service delivery

Objective 2: We will attract applicants that represent the diversity of our communities, enriching our organisational capability to meet our ambitions

Objective 3: We will respect, value and listen to all our employees by embedding a culture of inclusion

To help develop our Equality Objectives we’ve already spoken to many of our staff and managers on what we can do better. We now want to hear your feedback on the Strategic Equality Plan and our Equality Objectives. Please share your thoughts with us by filling out the short survey at the bottom of this page and by posting your ideas on the interactive Ideas board. We value the input and thoughts of the people who live and work within RCT!

Page last updated: 09 Feb 2024, 05:03 PM