Let's Talk Eisteddfod 2024
The 2024 National Eisteddfod, which was held in Ynysangharad War Memorial Park, Pontypridd between 3rd–10th August 2024, is being celebrated by many as the “best ever” National Eisteddfod. It is estimated that the hugely successful festival saw more than 186,000 people attending over the eight days.
Those in attendance were treated to a showcase of Welsh music, literature, art and so much more! You can re-cap some of the weeks highlights on S4C's YouTube page - (Subtitles available).
Here is YOUR chance to have YOUR say on your experience of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Eisteddfod. At the bottom of the page you’ll find a short survey where there’ll be an opportunity to complete the survey as a business owner or as an RCT resident.
If you’d prefer to complete this survey in person, you are more than welcome to attend any of the following face to face sessions:
Treorchy Library – Wednesday 12 March 2025 (10am-4pm)
Aberdare Library – Wednesday 19 March 2025 (10am-4pm)
Pontypridd Library - Thursday 27 March 2025 (10am-4pm)
Welsh Language Support
Helo Blod - https://businesswales.gov.wales/heloblod/
A fast and friendly service that provides FREE Welsh translation, text checking and practical advice, guidance and support for businesses and charities use a little (or a lot) of Welsh. Helo Blod can translate up to 500 words into Welsh per month, completely free of charge.
New to Helo Blod? It’s quick and easy. And once you’re signed up, that’s it ‒ you are ready to go! SIGN UP HERE!
Menter Iaith Rhondda Cynon Taf - https://menteriaith.cymru/
Menter Iaith RCT promote, coordinate and deliver Welsh-language activities and services across Rhondda Cynon Taf. Through their work they increase opportunities for people of all ages to use the Welsh language naturally.
You can find out what’s going on in your local area HERE!
Give Welsh a Go Pamphlet
In partnership with RCT Town Centres, the Council's Welsh Language Services have created a pamphlet which aims to encourage RCT residents to ‘Give Welsh a Go’ when visiting local businesses and shops. The bilingual pamphlet contains figures regarding the Welsh Language locally, a brief history on the place names of some of our main towns, support in terms of learning Welsh and a list of helpful phrases to use when out and about.
You can view the pamphlet under Important Links , or should you require any physical copies of the pamphlet, please e-mail towncentres@rctcbc.gov.uk and the Council’s Town Centre Team will be pleased to arrange for them to be delivered.
Learning Welsh
If you are learning Welsh, haven't used it for while or have previously thought about starting your journey then there's no time than the present! Locally, there's a whole host of Welsh language courses available with Dysgu Cymraeg. Please also refer back to Menter Iaith for opportunities to practise your new skills or gain confidence in using your skills in informal settings.
The Welsh language belongs to all of us in Rhondda Cynon Taf