Let's Talk About What Matters To You
This consultation has now ended. The results of this project are now being analysed, and we will add links to reports and further information when they are available.
The Council is looking at what it needs to prioritise over the next few years and needs your views
We have information and data that is widely available about the population, environment and economy and culture within the County Borough. We also have feedback from the many conversations and surveys we have conducted with our residents over the last year or so, including as part of the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Well-being Assessment, the Council’s budget setting for 2023/24 the Local Development Plan for RCT and for many of our services. All the different surveys etc can be seen here. This means we have some information about where we think you would like to see our focus to start us off. Things like
- Children and young people have the best start in life, learn and grow safely.
- Creating opportunities for residents to take care of their health and wellbeing so they can live healthy, independent, and fulfilling lives.
- Protecting, caring for and supporting the most vulnerable when they can no longer do so themselves and making it easy for them to get what they need.
- Town Centres that are vibrant, accessible, and safe places where people want to visit and businesses thrive.
- Doing what we can to help residents, communities and nature prepare for and respond to the impacts of climate change.
- A clean and green natural and built environment that everyone can enjoy and be proud of.
- Recognition of the vibrant culture and heritage of our communities, where we treat each other with respect and celebrate diversity as a strength.
- A well-run Council that provides excellent services, makes the best use of its resources and values and cares for its staff so they can make a positive difference to people using our services.
Please use the quick poll to tell us if we have these right
Please use the ideas section to add anything we have missed
Over the next few months, we will be using this information and other feedback to prepare more detailed information for you as we develop our new Corporate Plan. Your views and suggestions at this early stage will help us to understand better what matters to you and your family both now and in the future.
Background to setting your priorities for the Council
Since 2016, the Council’s work and resources have been focused on delivering priorities that our residents, communities and businesses told us are important to them. The priorities which have been in place since 2020 and are contained in our current Corporate Plan ‘Making A Difference’ are
- Ensuring PEOPLE are independent, healthy and successful;
- Creating PLACES where people are proud to live, work and play.·
- Enabling PROSPERITY creating the opportunity for people and businesses to be innovative; be entrepreneurial; and fulfil their potential and prosper.
Our progress has been monitored by Councillors every three months in reports to Cabinet. These reports are available for anyone to view and can be seen here. Despite the disruption to many of our services during Covid, we made good progress in delivering what we set out to achieve, but we know there is more to do.
The Corporate Plan, containing the Council’s current priorities will come to an end in 2024.
The focus of our work needs to be reviewed and updated and the information you provide will help to inform our new plan that will run from 2024. Our budget allocation means we can’t do everything we would like to do, so there will also be some difficult choices to be made as we set our new priorities.